Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, September-December 1942
1942-09-15 Page 1
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Tuesday pm 9/15/42 Dearest: The stencils arrived Saturday p.m. but I haven't had a chance to work on them yet. Sun I was working all day on a unit on Astronomy. Mon. night - Building Meetings Tues " - First Aid Class Wed " - Health Ed. Meeting Thurs " - Publications Committee Meets Fri. " - B.J.'s exhausted "Aint" I the busy one? I'll get them out
Tuesday pm 9/15/42 Dearest: The stencils arrived Saturday p.m. but I haven't had a chance to work on them yet. Sun I was working all day on a unit on Astronomy. Mon. night - Building Meetings Tues " - First Aid Class Wed " - Health Ed. Meeting Thurs " - Publications Committee Meets Fri. " - B.J.'s exhausted "Aint" I the busy one? I'll get them out
World War II Diaries and Letters