Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, September-December 1942
1942-10-27 Page 2
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Yes, I have a Sears, Roebuck Catalog. Mine is marked Fall-Winter 1942-1943 so I guess thats the latest. I had several extra things wished on me last week. I was made editor of the teachers' journal. I was appointed to write a history of our school. I was appointed campaign manager. And to top it all off I had to take another class beginning Friday. So now I am teaching 8 full classes … usual teaching load is 5
Yes, I have a Sears, Roebuck Catalog. Mine is marked Fall-Winter 1942-1943 so I guess thats the latest. I had several extra things wished on me last week. I was made editor of the teachers' journal. I was appointed to write a history of our school. I was appointed campaign manager. And to top it all off I had to take another class beginning Friday. So now I am teaching 8 full classes … usual teaching load is 5
World War II Diaries and Letters