Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, September-December 1942
1942-10-25 Page 2
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in distance so that we could be together more; but that's life. It won't be so long though dear. Today I've been helping one of the new teachers get established in a new apartment. Putting in furniture and putting up curtains and knic-nacs has made me more desireous than ever of getting settled in a place of our own. I've a home-loving instinct which always lies close to the surface of my personality. It looks like you and I are going to be as
in distance so that we could be together more; but that's life. It won't be so long though dear. Today I've been helping one of the new teachers get established in a new apartment. Putting in furniture and putting up curtains and knic-nacs has made me more desireous than ever of getting settled in a place of our own. I've a home-loving instinct which always lies close to the surface of my personality. It looks like you and I are going to be as
World War II Diaries and Letters