Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, September-December 1942
1942-12-31 Page 1
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12/31/42 Thurs. a.m. Dearest: I got home safely about 12:00 midnight Monday. Tuesday morning I spent in at the hospital to see Uncle John. He feels better and the doctors are not so sure it is a cancer; it still may be but they now think it is uremic poisoning instead. In that case he can be cured; but he is pitifully weak and thin. Tuesday afternoon and evening I worked in the print shop.
12/31/42 Thurs. a.m. Dearest: I got home safely about 12:00 midnight Monday. Tuesday morning I spent in at the hospital to see Uncle John. He feels better and the doctors are not so sure it is a cancer; it still may be but they now think it is uremic poisoning instead. In that case he can be cured; but he is pitifully weak and thin. Tuesday afternoon and evening I worked in the print shop.
World War II Diaries and Letters