Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-08-27 Page 1
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Friday 27 Aug 1943 My dearest: I was interested in that McMillen idea for navigation because we have discussed it, studied it and consider it unfeasable from a practical standpoint for a number of reasons: 1. It is hard to work accurately on even a flat surface in a bouncing plane and a curved surface is far more difficult. 2. A scale of more than 20 miles to the inch reduces accuracy in navigation to nil. On this globe it is intended to plot the sub-stellar point of a navigational star. We use, here in Texas, many stars with south declination such as Antares (526°18') Dschubba (522°28') Fomalhaut (529° 55') Kaus Australis (534°25') and 6 or 8 others. This means that
Friday 27 Aug 1943 My dearest: I was interested in that McMillen idea for navigation because we have discussed it, studied it and consider it unfeasable from a practical standpoint for a number of reasons: 1. It is hard to work accurately on even a flat surface in a bouncing plane and a curved surface is far more difficult. 2. A scale of more than 20 miles to the inch reduces accuracy in navigation to nil. On this globe it is intended to plot the sub-stellar point of a navigational star. We use, here in Texas, many stars with south declination such as Antares (526°18') Dschubba (522°28') Fomalhaut (529° 55') Kaus Australis (534°25') and 6 or 8 others. This means that
World War II Diaries and Letters