Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-08-26 Page 2
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anything so basic as that I'd not commit us without a conference. While I may be head of the family, our's will still be a democracy. I did tell Al that I'd like it very much myself but that you and I would have to talk it over. Do think it over and let me know further as to the following plans: 1. Al to live with us and split food costs etc as outlined in my other letter. 2. Al to live in an apartment attached to our place and to share meals; phone and heating equipment. 3. Al to live in a separate apartment on our property 4. Al to live in an attached apartment but eat by himself 5. To have no connection at all.
anything so basic as that I'd not commit us without a conference. While I may be head of the family, our's will still be a democracy. I did tell Al that I'd like it very much myself but that you and I would have to talk it over. Do think it over and let me know further as to the following plans: 1. Al to live with us and split food costs etc as outlined in my other letter. 2. Al to live in an apartment attached to our place and to share meals; phone and heating equipment. 3. Al to live in a separate apartment on our property 4. Al to live in an attached apartment but eat by himself 5. To have no connection at all.
World War II Diaries and Letters