Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-08-24 Page 2
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this one though) except for a little spoiling here and there.) You’ll be surprised at how I’ll spoil (I do not like that word. It isn’t spoiling one to love them enough to cater to their whims and preferences) you in many ways … and how mule-stubborn I can be in other ways. Oh, I’ll take “a deal of living with.” Well, dearest, I’m going to bed though its only 9:15; I’ll probably dream of us….. that’s one place we can be together now…. and that’ll rest me more than anything. Love, B.J.
this one though) except for a little spoiling here and there.) You’ll be surprised at how I’ll spoil (I do not like that word. It isn’t spoiling one to love them enough to cater to their whims and preferences) you in many ways … and how mule-stubborn I can be in other ways. Oh, I’ll take “a deal of living with.” Well, dearest, I’m going to bed though its only 9:15; I’ll probably dream of us….. that’s one place we can be together now…. and that’ll rest me more than anything. Love, B.J.
World War II Diaries and Letters