Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-08-13 Page 1
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Friday 8/3/43 [8/13/43?] Dearest: Am standing by to fly and so have very little time to write. Give my regards to everybody when you see them in Cleveland. Even though Clyde's attorney may say that Cole cannot rule out the amendments - he might do it. After all the Executive Judges do have final and supreme power until their acts are reviewed and confirmed or disavowed by a succeeding convention. Pat! Pat! That's for being able to avoid an office in C.O.A.J. Transcribed by Matt Reckamp
Friday 8/3/43 [8/13/43?] Dearest: Am standing by to fly and so have very little time to write. Give my regards to everybody when you see them in Cleveland. Even though Clyde's attorney may say that Cole cannot rule out the amendments - he might do it. After all the Executive Judges do have final and supreme power until their acts are reviewed and confirmed or disavowed by a succeeding convention. Pat! Pat! That's for being able to avoid an office in C.O.A.J. Transcribed by Matt Reckamp
World War II Diaries and Letters