Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-08-06 Page 1
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Friday Morning 8/6/43 Dearest:- Like the boy who sat on the side bench at the football game and kept be-deviling the coach with "Now, coach, now, huh?" I think now I can write as much as I want to (or nearly so) not too much hampered by lack of time. We fly under sealed orders this noon. I am leading a flight of seven you may have seen a similar formation. (drawing of plane formation)
Friday Morning 8/6/43 Dearest:- Like the boy who sat on the side bench at the football game and kept be-deviling the coach with "Now, coach, now, huh?" I think now I can write as much as I want to (or nearly so) not too much hampered by lack of time. We fly under sealed orders this noon. I am leading a flight of seven you may have seen a similar formation. (drawing of plane formation)
World War II Diaries and Letters