Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-08-02 Page 1
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Monday late 8/2/43 My dearest: Here I sit on my bed and it's midnight. Am I tired. I thought I'd have this evening free but at 2 o'clock this afternoon I had to make a flight up to Dallas. Just got back. I'd hoped to be able to write a nice long letter today but couldn't. After 3 days in a row of flight duty perhaps I'll have some free time tomorrow. But I did want to remind you that I love you and think of you constantly. with love B.J. P.S. was surprised and sorry to hear about Vincent Haggerty. Will write Felicitas. If you think we should send flowers or it is possible and desirable. Do so. I'll pay for them.
Monday late 8/2/43 My dearest: Here I sit on my bed and it's midnight. Am I tired. I thought I'd have this evening free but at 2 o'clock this afternoon I had to make a flight up to Dallas. Just got back. I'd hoped to be able to write a nice long letter today but couldn't. After 3 days in a row of flight duty perhaps I'll have some free time tomorrow. But I did want to remind you that I love you and think of you constantly. with love B.J. P.S. was surprised and sorry to hear about Vincent Haggerty. Will write Felicitas. If you think we should send flowers or it is possible and desirable. Do so. I'll pay for them.
World War II Diaries and Letters