Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-09-18 Page 3
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3 On that CSPC News don't mimeograph the minutes of Cleveland. I plan to have an issue printed to include an editorial, the minutes (in story form), a list of officers and members. If I get to your house perhaps we can go see that printer of N.A. and make arrangements for the CSPC News. I want to show the ajay world that being in the army doesn't end one's interest in the 'dom. I have sent you a box of books by
3 On that CSPC News don't mimeograph the minutes of Cleveland. I plan to have an issue printed to include an editorial, the minutes (in story form), a list of officers and members. If I get to your house perhaps we can go see that printer of N.A. and make arrangements for the CSPC News. I want to show the ajay world that being in the army doesn't end one's interest in the 'dom. I have sent you a box of books by
World War II Diaries and Letters