Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-09-08 Page 1
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9/8/43 Wednesday Dearest: Back from Winfield, Kansas about noon. Busy all afternoon but now I am free for a little while. It is raining. We came into the airfield through a cold front and into mist and rain. And there has been a fairly steady downpour since. I haven't planned the leave (officer's get "leave" enlisted men get "furlough") because there are so many possibilities. If I get instructor, which is possible, there'll be no furlough [scratched through] god, I forgot, it's leave. If I get one I won't know just when it'll start nor how long it will be for... might vary from 5 to 15 days. Then too if I get a plane to Chicago and Detroit directly, I'd go there for a day before
9/8/43 Wednesday Dearest: Back from Winfield, Kansas about noon. Busy all afternoon but now I am free for a little while. It is raining. We came into the airfield through a cold front and into mist and rain. And there has been a fairly steady downpour since. I haven't planned the leave (officer's get "leave" enlisted men get "furlough") because there are so many possibilities. If I get instructor, which is possible, there'll be no furlough [scratched through] god, I forgot, it's leave. If I get one I won't know just when it'll start nor how long it will be for... might vary from 5 to 15 days. Then too if I get a plane to Chicago and Detroit directly, I'd go there for a day before
World War II Diaries and Letters