Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-10-25 Page 1
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Oct. 25, 1943 Good Morning, dearest: And Happy Birthday! Yes, mail goes free even for 2nd Looies but I thought airmail might speed things up. I put 3¢ on when I ran out of airmails as I thought that might hurry it. I doubt if it did tho. Yes, I got the Napa bundle okay. Thanks, honey. I'll probably jot some comment on it for the pass round. I reckon that Nurse's aide business will be interesting and good experience for you, but I don't like to see you take on anything more. Let LitNews fold. . . . . it'll
Oct. 25, 1943 Good Morning, dearest: And Happy Birthday! Yes, mail goes free even for 2nd Looies but I thought airmail might speed things up. I put 3¢ on when I ran out of airmails as I thought that might hurry it. I doubt if it did tho. Yes, I got the Napa bundle okay. Thanks, honey. I'll probably jot some comment on it for the pass round. I reckon that Nurse's aide business will be interesting and good experience for you, but I don't like to see you take on anything more. Let LitNews fold. . . . . it'll
World War II Diaries and Letters