Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-October, 1943
1943-10-13 Page 2
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-2 and it just has to do. I'm built that way. That trait will probably annoy you more than once - to see me apparently not greatly concerned when it may seem I ought to be even if I can't do anything about it. That's just one of the those mental attitudes I've warned you I have. I do have time always to read your letters... carry them in my pockets and reread them three or four times. Even though I don't come across; I still look for your letters. Unfair isn't it? I'm enclosing a few cards I picked up. Two of them one of the boys bought in Cheyenne, Wyo. and I bought them from
-2 and it just has to do. I'm built that way. That trait will probably annoy you more than once - to see me apparently not greatly concerned when it may seem I ought to be even if I can't do anything about it. That's just one of the those mental attitudes I've warned you I have. I do have time always to read your letters... carry them in my pockets and reread them three or four times. Even though I don't come across; I still look for your letters. Unfair isn't it? I'm enclosing a few cards I picked up. Two of them one of the boys bought in Cheyenne, Wyo. and I bought them from
World War II Diaries and Letters