Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, June-July, 1943
1943-06-08 Page 2
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Started Zach Shepherd every damm kind of [illegible] we can find. As a matter of fact it does sound like fun. We will most certainly try it. The post show? Just a movie theater. Rather nicely fixed up inside; comfortable [] nothing ornate. I am quite a movie goer; youll get in the habit too, I reckon. Your June 4th letter arrived. es, it is silly: But fun, huh? you are a busy bee, alright. Im bugging around too. Cant you hear that humming. Thats me love-[] for you. Hows that for a word. [words cut off] my queen
Started Zach Shepherd every damm kind of [illegible] we can find. As a matter of fact it does sound like fun. We will most certainly try it. The post show? Just a movie theater. Rather nicely fixed up inside; comfortable [] nothing ornate. I am quite a movie goer; youll get in the habit too, I reckon. Your June 4th letter arrived. es, it is silly: But fun, huh? you are a busy bee, alright. Im bugging around too. Cant you hear that humming. Thats me love-[] for you. Hows that for a word. [words cut off] my queen
World War II Diaries and Letters