Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, June-July, 1943
1943-06-06 Page 3
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I got my proxy ballot, invitation to the convention etc. yesterday. I am voting the straight L. N. ticket of course. I give a great deal to be able to drop in to the convention. You'd be surprised, eh? No more so than I. It's entirely out of the realm of possibility but I can dream can't I. Will close now, honey More later. Love B.J.
I got my proxy ballot, invitation to the convention etc. yesterday. I am voting the straight L. N. ticket of course. I give a great deal to be able to drop in to the convention. You'd be surprised, eh? No more so than I. It's entirely out of the realm of possibility but I can dream can't I. Will close now, honey More later. Love B.J.
World War II Diaries and Letters