Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, June-July, 1943
1943-06-03 Page 3
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Sam Hermanas looked and I was. And I'd always though I'd be bald first. You'd laugh at what the echelon calls me--- "Ironpants" Smith. It's a back-handed compliment though- it's because I am so demanding on them or myself and so through that everything is done right. I never refuse to do what I ask them to do; you'd be a hell of a commander otherwise. I guess I ask a lot but there's a lot to be done and there's no sense in doing it wrong or half wrong. Well, Kitten, goodnight Love, B.J
Sam Hermanas looked and I was. And I'd always though I'd be bald first. You'd laugh at what the echelon calls me--- "Ironpants" Smith. It's a back-handed compliment though- it's because I am so demanding on them or myself and so through that everything is done right. I never refuse to do what I ask them to do; you'd be a hell of a commander otherwise. I guess I ask a lot but there's a lot to be done and there's no sense in doing it wrong or half wrong. Well, Kitten, goodnight Love, B.J
World War II Diaries and Letters