Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, June-July, 1943
1943-07-04 Page 4
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-4 very much from him. I had never dreamed Hadley's collection was so large. I don't know where I got the idea that it fitted in a 6x8x10' shelf; but I was thoroughly under that impression. I can see though that it wouldn't possibly fit. I have had the idea, too, that we should spend some time at the library . . . after we've got settled and know where we're at. We'd both get a big kick out of it . . . and much valuable material at the same time. Well, honey, must close now. Have to go on duty right after chow. Love, B.J.
-4 very much from him. I had never dreamed Hadley's collection was so large. I don't know where I got the idea that it fitted in a 6x8x10' shelf; but I was thoroughly under that impression. I can see though that it wouldn't possibly fit. I have had the idea, too, that we should spend some time at the library . . . after we've got settled and know where we're at. We'd both get a big kick out of it . . . and much valuable material at the same time. Well, honey, must close now. Have to go on duty right after chow. Love, B.J.
World War II Diaries and Letters