Iowa Governor and Adjutant General correspondence, 1862-1865
1862-08-02 Page 2
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heighth of my ambition, but should I not be considered competent for that position, I would respectfully ask that the post of Adjutant be conferred upon me, it being one that I think I could fill with credit. With thanks for your former favors, and trusting to hear from you in regard to this matter I am Sir Your 'Obt. Servant Horace Poole. Horace Poole Dubuque Sept 1862 wants position as Adjt
heighth of my ambition, but should I not be considered competent for that position, I would respectfully ask that the post of Adjutant be conferred upon me, it being one that I think I could fill with credit. With thanks for your former favors, and trusting to hear from you in regard to this matter I am Sir Your 'Obt. Servant Horace Poole. Horace Poole Dubuque Sept 1862 wants position as Adjt
Civil War Diaries and Letters