Iowa Governor and Adjutant General correspondence, 1862-1865
1862-12-16 Page 2
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Wm Williams says they have at least 300 men it will take 150, for the Battery and this will leave 150 men for our regiment. Wm Williams also says he spoke to you about the battery but fearing it would escape your memory requests me to remind you that it is a battery of Flying Artillery he wishes to organize, of 6 Guns. General Order 126, of which I send you enclosed a copy as far as it relates to the battery. This order allows the President at his discretion to add one First & one Second Lieutenant, 2 Sergeants and 4 Corporals will you please obtain the consent for this addition. The advance pay and
Wm Williams says they have at least 300 men it will take 150, for the Battery and this will leave 150 men for our regiment. Wm Williams also says he spoke to you about the battery but fearing it would escape your memory requests me to remind you that it is a battery of Flying Artillery he wishes to organize, of 6 Guns. General Order 126, of which I send you enclosed a copy as far as it relates to the battery. This order allows the President at his discretion to add one First & one Second Lieutenant, 2 Sergeants and 4 Corporals will you please obtain the consent for this addition. The advance pay and
Civil War Diaries and Letters