Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, August-September 1944
1944-08-17 Page 2
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Willametta Turnepseed 202 Roseland East Springfield, Ohio -2- Dad and I were discussing homes and agree that fewer but larger rooms are pleasantest though they offer a heating problem. We have passed out of our drougth (sp?) - too late to help the gardens in this section (the overall crop is wonderful, however) and had several downpours. Right now it is chilly. I'm extremely sleepy. Here's two LNs. More later. Yesterday Crane sent me an advance copy of the Sept NA. It looks very good; and the cover is attractive. Wills has donated $50 again this year. I'd contribute a page or two but I fear I'll have to buy a new platen for the S-o-P. And I'm wondering if I should print LN less often as I'll be running out of paper soon? What do you think? Paper, ink, stencils and postage runs to quite a bit, yet this year I'd like to keep up the weekly schedule. Let me know your reaction. This is all for now, honey, Love, Willametta
Willametta Turnepseed 202 Roseland East Springfield, Ohio -2- Dad and I were discussing homes and agree that fewer but larger rooms are pleasantest though they offer a heating problem. We have passed out of our drougth (sp?) - too late to help the gardens in this section (the overall crop is wonderful, however) and had several downpours. Right now it is chilly. I'm extremely sleepy. Here's two LNs. More later. Yesterday Crane sent me an advance copy of the Sept NA. It looks very good; and the cover is attractive. Wills has donated $50 again this year. I'd contribute a page or two but I fear I'll have to buy a new platen for the S-o-P. And I'm wondering if I should print LN less often as I'll be running out of paper soon? What do you think? Paper, ink, stencils and postage runs to quite a bit, yet this year I'd like to keep up the weekly schedule. Let me know your reaction. This is all for now, honey, Love, Willametta
World War II Diaries and Letters