Evelyn Birkby school days memory book, 1933-1936
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42 - Their Autographs - Dear Evelyn Way up here where no one will look I'll sign my name in your autograph book. Ola mae Van Arkel Dear Evelyn 2 y's you are. 2 y's you be. and you are 2 y's for me. Your friend John Moul Nov. 7 1933 Dear Evelyn, You're a very pleasant and a very interesting student. I hope your sunny-ness always sticks to you with the shadow trailing far behind. Sincerely, Your Friend, Margaret Henderson - English - Dear Evelyn: If scribbling in albums; Remember success, With the greatest of pleasure, I'll scribble in yours Your Friend, Madeline Forrett Feb. 3, 1933 Two in a hammock, attempted to kiss. The hammock upset and the two went like (cry). Your friend Lois Telfer. Nov. 9. 1933. Dear Evelyn - May all your future be as happy as your school days. With my very best wishes for success and happiness. Norms G. Campbell. When your day on earth are ended: And you're laid beneath the sod: may your name in gold Written: in the autograph of God: You lasting friend Dorothy Ten Hagen. Dear Evelyn, I hop that in future we will be able to see more of each other in the future. Five years is a long time to go without seeing one's cousin. Your Cousin Francis Corrie Racine, Wis
42 - Their Autographs - Dear Evelyn Way up here where no one will look I'll sign my name in your autograph book. Ola mae Van Arkel Dear Evelyn 2 y's you are. 2 y's you be. and you are 2 y's for me. Your friend John Moul Nov. 7 1933 Dear Evelyn, You're a very pleasant and a very interesting student. I hope your sunny-ness always sticks to you with the shadow trailing far behind. Sincerely, Your Friend, Margaret Henderson - English - Dear Evelyn: If scribbling in albums; Remember success, With the greatest of pleasure, I'll scribble in yours Your Friend, Madeline Forrett Feb. 3, 1933 Two in a hammock, attempted to kiss. The hammock upset and the two went like (cry). Your friend Lois Telfer. Nov. 9. 1933. Dear Evelyn - May all your future be as happy as your school days. With my very best wishes for success and happiness. Norms G. Campbell. When your day on earth are ended: And you're laid beneath the sod: may your name in gold Written: in the autograph of God: You lasting friend Dorothy Ten Hagen. Dear Evelyn, I hop that in future we will be able to see more of each other in the future. Five years is a long time to go without seeing one's cousin. Your Cousin Francis Corrie Racine, Wis
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries