John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1941-09-28 Page 1
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H&S Co, 136th Med Regt, In the field, Pineville, La, APO 34, Camp Claiborne, La, Sunday, Sept. 28, 1941 My Dear Dorothea, Almost dark and I'm pretty tired -- just did nothing all day long - seems like that is what we do the most of any more. I went to church this morning and Chaplain Keathley preached. He gave a very nice sermon. His text was "WATCH." W = Will A = Actions T = Thoughts C = Conscience H = Heart Roast beef and ice cream for dinner. First ice cream for
H&S Co, 136th Med Regt, In the field, Pineville, La, APO 34, Camp Claiborne, La, Sunday, Sept. 28, 1941 My Dear Dorothea, Almost dark and I'm pretty tired -- just did nothing all day long - seems like that is what we do the most of any more. I went to church this morning and Chaplain Keathley preached. He gave a very nice sermon. His text was "WATCH." W = Will A = Actions T = Thoughts C = Conscience H = Heart Roast beef and ice cream for dinner. First ice cream for
World War II Diaries and Letters