John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1941-09-14 Page 1
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H & S Co, 136th Med Regt In bivouac, 4 1/2 mi SW Oakdale APO 34, Camp Claiborne, La Sunday, Sept 14, 1941 Dearest Dorathea: Here it is - another Sunday. Rev Thayer is in the hospital with an infection in his eye. He has been ordered to stay in the dark room until it gets better. We had a new Chaplain attached to our Regiment. He is in addition to Chaplain Thayer. His name is Keathley and he is protestant and from Birmingham, Alabama. I went to Regimental Church services this morning at 10:00. It was held out in the open and there were about 300-400 there. Chaplain Keathley preached a very good sermon on faith. When we take Our mess kits and go down to the kitchen we have faith there will be food there. So, also, we should believe that if we call on God, he will help us. Good idea, isn't it? What do you think of the new stationary I got it in at Oakdale the Soldier's
H & S Co, 136th Med Regt In bivouac, 4 1/2 mi SW Oakdale APO 34, Camp Claiborne, La Sunday, Sept 14, 1941 Dearest Dorathea: Here it is - another Sunday. Rev Thayer is in the hospital with an infection in his eye. He has been ordered to stay in the dark room until it gets better. We had a new Chaplain attached to our Regiment. He is in addition to Chaplain Thayer. His name is Keathley and he is protestant and from Birmingham, Alabama. I went to Regimental Church services this morning at 10:00. It was held out in the open and there were about 300-400 there. Chaplain Keathley preached a very good sermon on faith. When we take Our mess kits and go down to the kitchen we have faith there will be food there. So, also, we should believe that if we call on God, he will help us. Good idea, isn't it? What do you think of the new stationary I got it in at Oakdale the Soldier's
World War II Diaries and Letters