John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1941-09-08 Page 1
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H & S Co, 136th Med Regt In bivouac 4 mi No and 3/4 mi W Hineston, La APO 34, Camp Caiborne, La Sept 8, 1941 My dear Dorothea: It rained twice today. We got word about 12:00 noon to move up here - about 10 miles. We had to be out by 3:00. Dinner was just ready when we got the word so we ate and then started to pack. It started to rain so we sent one truck on and waited in the tent for it to come back. It didn't come but in the meantime they sent three other trucks, so we tore down and moved. On the way I stopped to get the laundry but it hadn't dried so will have to get back for it some way. I got both of your letters of the 3rd and 4th last night. They brought them to me while in bed and I read them by flashlight. I haven't writer Max about the County Attorney job as yet, but don't see how I can decide until I get out of the Army. You haven't told me what Arrangements you made on supervising the new girl. And I won't stand for you doing all of that extra work for nothing. Don't kid yourself that you are making enough as it is - that is avoiding the issue - you are earning that or you wouldn't be getting it. If you are not being
H & S Co, 136th Med Regt In bivouac 4 mi No and 3/4 mi W Hineston, La APO 34, Camp Caiborne, La Sept 8, 1941 My dear Dorothea: It rained twice today. We got word about 12:00 noon to move up here - about 10 miles. We had to be out by 3:00. Dinner was just ready when we got the word so we ate and then started to pack. It started to rain so we sent one truck on and waited in the tent for it to come back. It didn't come but in the meantime they sent three other trucks, so we tore down and moved. On the way I stopped to get the laundry but it hadn't dried so will have to get back for it some way. I got both of your letters of the 3rd and 4th last night. They brought them to me while in bed and I read them by flashlight. I haven't writer Max about the County Attorney job as yet, but don't see how I can decide until I get out of the Army. You haven't told me what Arrangements you made on supervising the new girl. And I won't stand for you doing all of that extra work for nothing. Don't kid yourself that you are making enough as it is - that is avoiding the issue - you are earning that or you wouldn't be getting it. If you are not being
World War II Diaries and Letters