John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1941-08-17 Page 3
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came down through military channels. Just another case of the outside knowing more than the inside. After dinner. We just found out that our rumor was wrong for we got orders to be ready to move at once. Then we just sat here. We were attacked by five enemy air planes - they certainly do travel - 200 or 300 miles an hour. And they fly so low you can almost touch them. I've lost your letters I received this morning. They must have fallen out of my pocket someplace in the woods. Well, honey, I guess I had better stop and mail this. I am sending a ball of cotton and a roll of film in here. You can send me some candy or cookies whenever you want to but don't send any large amount at one time. The letter from the State Auditor was to check the balance due on the Law Loan fund. ($192.50) I may get it paid some time. Guess I had better hurry up and get it done. We might have August 29th, 30th and 31st off. If we should, it would sure be swell if you could get to St L. But it is so hard to find out anything for sure, until it has happened. It is 20 minutes until 4:00 and we
came down through military channels. Just another case of the outside knowing more than the inside. After dinner. We just found out that our rumor was wrong for we got orders to be ready to move at once. Then we just sat here. We were attacked by five enemy air planes - they certainly do travel - 200 or 300 miles an hour. And they fly so low you can almost touch them. I've lost your letters I received this morning. They must have fallen out of my pocket someplace in the woods. Well, honey, I guess I had better stop and mail this. I am sending a ball of cotton and a roll of film in here. You can send me some candy or cookies whenever you want to but don't send any large amount at one time. The letter from the State Auditor was to check the balance due on the Law Loan fund. ($192.50) I may get it paid some time. Guess I had better hurry up and get it done. We might have August 29th, 30th and 31st off. If we should, it would sure be swell if you could get to St L. But it is so hard to find out anything for sure, until it has happened. It is 20 minutes until 4:00 and we
World War II Diaries and Letters