John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1942-07-12 Page 1
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Sun. eve - July-12-1942 Birmingham Ia. Dear Son John - Your first letter rec'd Sat and Im answering so Ill hear again as had been looking for word and hadn't heard from any of you since I left Burlington. We didn't get home from your place Sat night till 2-am. Herbert went to sleep and had to stop at side of road & let him sleep a little while & Dorothy had to pinch & slap & talk to keep him awake - We stopped at Mt P. & he got cup coffee and we came on then. Dorothy dozed off & we just missed the telephone pole of their house by a hairs breadth - I never closed an eye He would go to sleep still turning the wheel - Never again for me. We should have stayed all night - Its a miracle we ever got home - We were all tired but all went to SS at Christian church but Herbert slept till noon - then went next to Gilberts for
Sun. eve - July-12-1942 Birmingham Ia. Dear Son John - Your first letter rec'd Sat and Im answering so Ill hear again as had been looking for word and hadn't heard from any of you since I left Burlington. We didn't get home from your place Sat night till 2-am. Herbert went to sleep and had to stop at side of road & let him sleep a little while & Dorothy had to pinch & slap & talk to keep him awake - We stopped at Mt P. & he got cup coffee and we came on then. Dorothy dozed off & we just missed the telephone pole of their house by a hairs breadth - I never closed an eye He would go to sleep still turning the wheel - Never again for me. We should have stayed all night - Its a miracle we ever got home - We were all tired but all went to SS at Christian church but Herbert slept till noon - then went next to Gilberts for
World War II Diaries and Letters