John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-04-13 Page 1
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Ann Arbor, Michigan 4-13-43 Dear Dorothea: The time is certainly growing short. Only 5 more days until I expect to be home. The mechanic got the can fixed and it runs fairly good. But of course it is still an old wreck and hope it holds out until I get home. We had a four hour exam this morning - one hour for 75 true and false questions; the one hour of 10 questions to look up and give an answer and the citation; then two hours of research on 12 questions to give reasoning, conclusion and citation of authorities. It really was a tough one. But guess I got through it OK. It really doesn't make much difference anyhow as our orders are out and we are already assigned. We had a little snow storm here this morning. It beats the Dutch how unsettled the weather here can be. But it didn't stay on long. Tomorrow we are marching in the War Bond Drive Parade. We are to wear tin hats, gas-masks, pistol belts & holsters - but no pistols We are beginning to get our stuff ready to send home. I think I'll ship some of mine so I won't have to worry about it. Our classes have eased up considerable in the last few days - outside of the four
Ann Arbor, Michigan 4-13-43 Dear Dorothea: The time is certainly growing short. Only 5 more days until I expect to be home. The mechanic got the can fixed and it runs fairly good. But of course it is still an old wreck and hope it holds out until I get home. We had a four hour exam this morning - one hour for 75 true and false questions; the one hour of 10 questions to look up and give an answer and the citation; then two hours of research on 12 questions to give reasoning, conclusion and citation of authorities. It really was a tough one. But guess I got through it OK. It really doesn't make much difference anyhow as our orders are out and we are already assigned. We had a little snow storm here this morning. It beats the Dutch how unsettled the weather here can be. But it didn't stay on long. Tomorrow we are marching in the War Bond Drive Parade. We are to wear tin hats, gas-masks, pistol belts & holsters - but no pistols We are beginning to get our stuff ready to send home. I think I'll ship some of mine so I won't have to worry about it. Our classes have eased up considerable in the last few days - outside of the four
World War II Diaries and Letters