John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-04-04 Page 2
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closed is a dollar bill for each of the kids on account of their good grades and work in school. We had a very tough week last week but are all through with it now. We had our moot court cases and Ted won his (he was TJA) and convicted his man. I lost mine, as I was Defense Counsel and couldn't get my man cleared. But they only get about one loose out of a 1000 so don't figure I did so badly. We finished "contracts" Friday morning and got a 5.7 out of a possible 6. Also got my Military Affairs worked out OK. We have lots of lectures this week. Well, nothing much new. I surely miss you and wish I were home, Love & kisses to all Daddy
closed is a dollar bill for each of the kids on account of their good grades and work in school. We had a very tough week last week but are all through with it now. We had our moot court cases and Ted won his (he was TJA) and convicted his man. I lost mine, as I was Defense Counsel and couldn't get my man cleared. But they only get about one loose out of a 1000 so don't figure I did so badly. We finished "contracts" Friday morning and got a 5.7 out of a possible 6. Also got my Military Affairs worked out OK. We have lots of lectures this week. Well, nothing much new. I surely miss you and wish I were home, Love & kisses to all Daddy
World War II Diaries and Letters