John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-04-02 Page 1
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JOHN N. CALHOUN REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR STATE SENATOR SECOND DISTRICT KEOSAUQUA, IOWA 4-2-43 Dearest Dorothea: It was nice for you to have a visit with Tress and hope she got lined up OK on a good job. You might rent her one of your sleeping rooms - unless she wanted to cook. I got the receipt for the Barnsdell stock and glad to get that out of the way. I might make more by holding on to it but then for some unexplained reason the market might break and go away down again. So will get rid of it & put the cash in Postal Savings. What do you think. How did the dentist get along with Carol's teeth? It surely is swell that you got the furnace completed and now we should have spring and warm weather. How is the bank account? The Wards are really having a lot of trouble on their health, aren't they? Give Grace my regards and wishes for a speedy recovery. [Pose?] Mrs Griesel is having quite a time, isn't she? We haven't received our leaves yet, so don't know how long. Enclosed find the checks from Sunshine Mining endorsed to you. Only two weeks from tomorrow Love & kisses to all Daddy
JOHN N. CALHOUN REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR STATE SENATOR SECOND DISTRICT KEOSAUQUA, IOWA 4-2-43 Dearest Dorothea: It was nice for you to have a visit with Tress and hope she got lined up OK on a good job. You might rent her one of your sleeping rooms - unless she wanted to cook. I got the receipt for the Barnsdell stock and glad to get that out of the way. I might make more by holding on to it but then for some unexplained reason the market might break and go away down again. So will get rid of it & put the cash in Postal Savings. What do you think. How did the dentist get along with Carol's teeth? It surely is swell that you got the furnace completed and now we should have spring and warm weather. How is the bank account? The Wards are really having a lot of trouble on their health, aren't they? Give Grace my regards and wishes for a speedy recovery. [Pose?] Mrs Griesel is having quite a time, isn't she? We haven't received our leaves yet, so don't know how long. Enclosed find the checks from Sunshine Mining endorsed to you. Only two weeks from tomorrow Love & kisses to all Daddy
World War II Diaries and Letters