John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-04-01 Page 1
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4-1-43 Dearest Dorothea: Enclosed find my check $256.33 payable to your order, which you can deposit. Then deduct $41.88 for a check I have sent to Bankers Life Company to pay an insurance premium. Nothing further on assignment as yet. I'll surely let you know just as soon as I get any definite word. I've already told you how good the fried chicken was and to assure you that none of it spoiled. Ted is swell now. He said "thanks" for your kind regards. So glad about your good visit at Fairfield. Nice to know that Dorothy is getting stronger and better. How have the measles developed by this time? None further, I hope. So you really are getting good at bridge are you? That's swell. Makes me feel like all the years I've spent teaching you
4-1-43 Dearest Dorothea: Enclosed find my check $256.33 payable to your order, which you can deposit. Then deduct $41.88 for a check I have sent to Bankers Life Company to pay an insurance premium. Nothing further on assignment as yet. I'll surely let you know just as soon as I get any definite word. I've already told you how good the fried chicken was and to assure you that none of it spoiled. Ted is swell now. He said "thanks" for your kind regards. So glad about your good visit at Fairfield. Nice to know that Dorothy is getting stronger and better. How have the measles developed by this time? None further, I hope. So you really are getting good at bridge are you? That's swell. Makes me feel like all the years I've spent teaching you
World War II Diaries and Letters