John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-03-29 Page 2
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little girl at that. Thanks for the U.S. Steel check and I'll keep it and can send some money when I get my pay check. I'm getting along OK financially. I think I've answered some of your letters but didn't put them away and so don't remember what I did answer or what I didn't. It is very nice that you can stay at home in the mornings. Do you like that? Just so you don't work too hard, when you do. That was news to me about where Ray Wright was being sent. But he probably won't stay in N O long. So John R is going traveling again, is he? I expect Grandpa & Grandma Rains will get a lot of fun out of him. And he may learn a lot about the grocery business. Enclosed is a letter from Florence Wolf which you may enjoy. Also the extension agreement. I'm glad the market went up enough to get rid of some of the stock & hope it keeps on until we get it all into cash. The radio stock will make a couple of hundred dollars. Be sure & send me the statement from Kleinkopf and the receipt from the bank for the amount received and paid on the note. Also ask Vince to give you a list of how mch we owe. Must close, Love Daddy
little girl at that. Thanks for the U.S. Steel check and I'll keep it and can send some money when I get my pay check. I'm getting along OK financially. I think I've answered some of your letters but didn't put them away and so don't remember what I did answer or what I didn't. It is very nice that you can stay at home in the mornings. Do you like that? Just so you don't work too hard, when you do. That was news to me about where Ray Wright was being sent. But he probably won't stay in N O long. So John R is going traveling again, is he? I expect Grandpa & Grandma Rains will get a lot of fun out of him. And he may learn a lot about the grocery business. Enclosed is a letter from Florence Wolf which you may enjoy. Also the extension agreement. I'm glad the market went up enough to get rid of some of the stock & hope it keeps on until we get it all into cash. The radio stock will make a couple of hundred dollars. Be sure & send me the statement from Kleinkopf and the receipt from the bank for the amount received and paid on the note. Also ask Vince to give you a list of how mch we owe. Must close, Love Daddy
World War II Diaries and Letters