John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-03-28 Page 1
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3-28-43 Dear Dorothea: Well, I've been neglecting your letter the last two or three days, so will take care of it now. We finished our course on "rules of Land Warfare" under Captain Wilson (Mrs. Nate Wilson's nephew) with several questions (exam) and I got a very good grade in it. Then we are on the last week of Contracts - those two big brown books that you saw - and will finish those next week. I have been worrying about the old car and so went down and tried to start it. It wouldn't start so had to service station man go over and get it to charge the battery. It wouldn't charge - so had to get a new one - $11.50. Then was going to use it one evening and it wouldn't work so had him check it over and he found a short in it - so I had him fix that $3.00. Then I thought it best to get some insurance because you may have an accident - even if it isn't your fault and might be liable for a judgement for several thousand dollars and thought it would be penny wise and pound foolish to save the insurance premium and lose a lot in case of an accident - so took
3-28-43 Dear Dorothea: Well, I've been neglecting your letter the last two or three days, so will take care of it now. We finished our course on "rules of Land Warfare" under Captain Wilson (Mrs. Nate Wilson's nephew) with several questions (exam) and I got a very good grade in it. Then we are on the last week of Contracts - those two big brown books that you saw - and will finish those next week. I have been worrying about the old car and so went down and tried to start it. It wouldn't start so had to service station man go over and get it to charge the battery. It wouldn't charge - so had to get a new one - $11.50. Then was going to use it one evening and it wouldn't work so had him check it over and he found a short in it - so I had him fix that $3.00. Then I thought it best to get some insurance because you may have an accident - even if it isn't your fault and might be liable for a judgement for several thousand dollars and thought it would be penny wise and pound foolish to save the insurance premium and lose a lot in case of an accident - so took
World War II Diaries and Letters