John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-03-16 Page 1
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3-16-43 Dearest Dorothea: Got two letters from you today. So glad to hear from you and that you are coming along OK. Keep it up & it won't be much longer. I asked the adjutant about a recommendation for a promotion today as I had been in as a 1st Lt for six months and he said they didn't do those things here at school and would have to wait until I reached my new unit and have them do it there. So guess that is the best that can be done for the present. Enclosed is the Barnsdall check and the NY Life Insurance Company receipt. Put the receipt in the bank box. I do hope little Carol is better. Tell her Daddy wants her to hurry up and get well. I saw about Lucretia Edwards in the paper. That is certainly too bad. It is a relief to know that you got the furnace part fixed - if not permanently - at least well enough to stop some of the smoke. We have been having rain and today was pretty gloomy. Real. March weather for sure. It was nice that Van's got to come I know how hard you had to work and am so sorry for you. It probably will be best for them to move into the house because they never could get what it is worth out of it. Surely hope you don't take down. Oh, if this old war would only end and we could go back to
3-16-43 Dearest Dorothea: Got two letters from you today. So glad to hear from you and that you are coming along OK. Keep it up & it won't be much longer. I asked the adjutant about a recommendation for a promotion today as I had been in as a 1st Lt for six months and he said they didn't do those things here at school and would have to wait until I reached my new unit and have them do it there. So guess that is the best that can be done for the present. Enclosed is the Barnsdall check and the NY Life Insurance Company receipt. Put the receipt in the bank box. I do hope little Carol is better. Tell her Daddy wants her to hurry up and get well. I saw about Lucretia Edwards in the paper. That is certainly too bad. It is a relief to know that you got the furnace part fixed - if not permanently - at least well enough to stop some of the smoke. We have been having rain and today was pretty gloomy. Real. March weather for sure. It was nice that Van's got to come I know how hard you had to work and am so sorry for you. It probably will be best for them to move into the house because they never could get what it is worth out of it. Surely hope you don't take down. Oh, if this old war would only end and we could go back to
World War II Diaries and Letters