John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-03-16 Page 2
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living again. Yes, it seems like ages since I saw you last and as you say, it was only a week ago. The next few weeks will go by in a hurry, I'm sure and then I can be home again for a few days. I haven't see Kenneth Wilson yet but hope to do so soon. Our work is still pretty strenuous but seem to be doing better in it. How is Mother? I should drop her a line but just can't seem to get an extra minute anywhere. As the instructor said: We are giving you in 10 weeks what it would take you 25 years to learn by experience: Love & kisses to all. Daddy.
living again. Yes, it seems like ages since I saw you last and as you say, it was only a week ago. The next few weeks will go by in a hurry, I'm sure and then I can be home again for a few days. I haven't see Kenneth Wilson yet but hope to do so soon. Our work is still pretty strenuous but seem to be doing better in it. How is Mother? I should drop her a line but just can't seem to get an extra minute anywhere. As the instructor said: We are giving you in 10 weeks what it would take you 25 years to learn by experience: Love & kisses to all. Daddy.
World War II Diaries and Letters