John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-03-01 Page 1
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The Judge Advocate General's School ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN March 1, 1943 Dearest Dorothea: It is 10:30 and will try and get this letter out before Taps at 10:45, when we have to turn out the lights. Enclosed is my check for this past month which you can deposit at the bank. I'll probably need some of it later, but can probably write a check for such as I need. We have been very busy ever since school started. Seems like Saturday and Sunday are just catching up times instead of even breathing spells. Too bad about Jeri Rune but I guess she did the right thing from the things Ruth told you. I hope Carol's hair is coming along OK. Red seems to be the popular color here for new clothes judging from the things the women wear on the streets and the dresses in the windows. So Mother should be right in style. It was nice that you could have the Griesels in. I must write Dan a letter but seems as though I never can get to it. So Marion sold her house did she? What did she get, do you know? No the Sunshine Card isn't important but hope you don't mislay anything else. I know you have lots to do and think about, but suggest you get some system
The Judge Advocate General's School ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN March 1, 1943 Dearest Dorothea: It is 10:30 and will try and get this letter out before Taps at 10:45, when we have to turn out the lights. Enclosed is my check for this past month which you can deposit at the bank. I'll probably need some of it later, but can probably write a check for such as I need. We have been very busy ever since school started. Seems like Saturday and Sunday are just catching up times instead of even breathing spells. Too bad about Jeri Rune but I guess she did the right thing from the things Ruth told you. I hope Carol's hair is coming along OK. Red seems to be the popular color here for new clothes judging from the things the women wear on the streets and the dresses in the windows. So Mother should be right in style. It was nice that you could have the Griesels in. I must write Dan a letter but seems as though I never can get to it. So Marion sold her house did she? What did she get, do you know? No the Sunshine Card isn't important but hope you don't mislay anything else. I know you have lots to do and think about, but suggest you get some system
World War II Diaries and Letters