John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-02-20 Page 1
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CAMP FORREST TENNESSEE 2-20-43 Dearest Dorothea: Well I've rather neglected you for the past two or three days and will try and catch up this evening. First, I want to caution you again about working too hard at home on your free time there. It's swell to have the house looking like a mirror and everything, but you aren't entertaining extensively and what people you do have in realize your situation and wouldn't find any fault with your housekeeping - even if it were terrible - which I know it isn't. So, PLEASE, take it easy and save yourself ALL you can. Don't wait until you have everything done before you sit down to rest, but sit down and rest and then do what you can after you are rested. Certainly glad Ed K. got a job right away and hope he gets along OK. Even as much as it worries you to have the kids fighting, I guess it is a good sign that they are well and full of life - and so much better than being ill or droopy. Your company supper sounded most appetizing. No doubt poor Conrad does feel very conspicuous, but don't blame him for staying home.
CAMP FORREST TENNESSEE 2-20-43 Dearest Dorothea: Well I've rather neglected you for the past two or three days and will try and catch up this evening. First, I want to caution you again about working too hard at home on your free time there. It's swell to have the house looking like a mirror and everything, but you aren't entertaining extensively and what people you do have in realize your situation and wouldn't find any fault with your housekeeping - even if it were terrible - which I know it isn't. So, PLEASE, take it easy and save yourself ALL you can. Don't wait until you have everything done before you sit down to rest, but sit down and rest and then do what you can after you are rested. Certainly glad Ed K. got a job right away and hope he gets along OK. Even as much as it worries you to have the kids fighting, I guess it is a good sign that they are well and full of life - and so much better than being ill or droopy. Your company supper sounded most appetizing. No doubt poor Conrad does feel very conspicuous, but don't blame him for staying home.
World War II Diaries and Letters