John N. Calhoun family letters, August 1941-February 1946
1943-02-12 Page 2
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or to have gone on to Salt Lake City. I think it is a good idea for you to let the girls have every third Wednesday morning off and really does give them a little time in which to take care of personal affairs. Mighty nice that John R. got the star on his music lessons. I'll surely expect him to be able to play for me when I come home again. And also for Cliffie to get 100 in spelling. He must be about the best one in the class, isn't he? And I'll bet old "Sissy Pants" is learning a lot, too. Is she still as ornery as ever? Maybe you'll have to "rassle" her until I get home. You can probably do that Sunday afternoon. Well, must close, There goes Taps. Love & Kisses. Goodnight, Daddy. P.S. Next morning - well time to get in gear. We have inspection at 11:00. I expect I'll get skinned for needing a haircut. JNC
or to have gone on to Salt Lake City. I think it is a good idea for you to let the girls have every third Wednesday morning off and really does give them a little time in which to take care of personal affairs. Mighty nice that John R. got the star on his music lessons. I'll surely expect him to be able to play for me when I come home again. And also for Cliffie to get 100 in spelling. He must be about the best one in the class, isn't he? And I'll bet old "Sissy Pants" is learning a lot, too. Is she still as ornery as ever? Maybe you'll have to "rassle" her until I get home. You can probably do that Sunday afternoon. Well, must close, There goes Taps. Love & Kisses. Goodnight, Daddy. P.S. Next morning - well time to get in gear. We have inspection at 11:00. I expect I'll get skinned for needing a haircut. JNC
World War II Diaries and Letters