John N. Calhoun family letters, February 1941-April 1945
1943-03-23 Page 2
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Review D 1. When the sun shines through falling rain, a rainbow appears. 2. I need a new tablet,a pencil, and a pen. 3. Bob, Grace, and Bill are on a committe. 4. If people obeyed traffic laws, there would be fewer accidents. 5. We planned stories, reports, and songs "Where can I buy a bird like that?" asked Bill. James replied jokingly, "Maybe you can raise one from bird seed."
Review D 1. When the sun shines through falling rain, a rainbow appears. 2. I need a new tablet,a pencil, and a pen. 3. Bob, Grace, and Bill are on a committe. 4. If people obeyed traffic laws, there would be fewer accidents. 5. We planned stories, reports, and songs "Where can I buy a bird like that?" asked Bill. James replied jokingly, "Maybe you can raise one from bird seed."
World War II Diaries and Letters