John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1943-02-02 Page 4
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covered it with my raincoat and finally started on up the road. Stopped at a filling station and put in some water and on and on and on. It started to snow quite a bit and the wind to blow pretty strong and I got so cold I felt sure I could only make it to the next town. But when I would get there would buzz right on through and then would have to keep going. Once the motor died and I tried to start it & couldn't -- so got a fellow to push me and it started OK. I guess I had had my lights on and had shorted the electricity and someway cleared it up when he shoved. Finally got into Mich. I didn't know how far I was from Ann Arbor as I had been trying to get a Mich map and no one had one and the one I had was of Ohio & only showed the lower part of Mich. So I stopped to get gas and asked how far to Ann Arbor and you can imagine
covered it with my raincoat and finally started on up the road. Stopped at a filling station and put in some water and on and on and on. It started to snow quite a bit and the wind to blow pretty strong and I got so cold I felt sure I could only make it to the next town. But when I would get there would buzz right on through and then would have to keep going. Once the motor died and I tried to start it & couldn't -- so got a fellow to push me and it started OK. I guess I had had my lights on and had shorted the electricity and someway cleared it up when he shoved. Finally got into Mich. I didn't know how far I was from Ann Arbor as I had been trying to get a Mich map and no one had one and the one I had was of Ohio & only showed the lower part of Mich. So I stopped to get gas and asked how far to Ann Arbor and you can imagine
World War II Diaries and Letters