John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1943-01-07 Page 2
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It snowed on me practically all the way to St. Louis. Then ran out of it. There are very few cars on the road. And a large per cent of them are Model A Fords. So guess I'm right in style. I made 320 miles and didn't use hardly any gas at all. I stopped at 7:30. Honey, I was very happy to get home to see you and the kids. They certainly are growing. I'm just sick about being away from you and them. Maybe I made a big mistake to come into the army, but it looked like the best thing to do then. And we have to do what looks best then - which is the rub. Winnie has been very quiet. I don't think she is feeling so good. I hate to have to give her up as she has been lots of company - but guess it is best. Well, dear, must close. Don't worry about things as they will all work out for the best - someway. Loads of love and kisses and I'll try to see you on the way to Ann Arbor in February. Your own, Daddy.
It snowed on me practically all the way to St. Louis. Then ran out of it. There are very few cars on the road. And a large per cent of them are Model A Fords. So guess I'm right in style. I made 320 miles and didn't use hardly any gas at all. I stopped at 7:30. Honey, I was very happy to get home to see you and the kids. They certainly are growing. I'm just sick about being away from you and them. Maybe I made a big mistake to come into the army, but it looked like the best thing to do then. And we have to do what looks best then - which is the rub. Winnie has been very quiet. I don't think she is feeling so good. I hate to have to give her up as she has been lots of company - but guess it is best. Well, dear, must close. Don't worry about things as they will all work out for the best - someway. Loads of love and kisses and I'll try to see you on the way to Ann Arbor in February. Your own, Daddy.
World War II Diaries and Letters