John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-07-20 Page 2
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I have been very busy ever since I got back. I made $46.00 last week. Not so bad for a scrub is it? I have been pretty worn out though. Ruth & the rest of the family went down town to get things straightened up today and they got [Holstein?] for their lawyer. Ruth said she sure wished you were here to handle it for them. I guess everything is tied up, so it will be rather hard to settle up. The Gazette called about your change of address today. Have you been getting the papers lately? I told them you hadn't been reserving it. Just what is your work now? How much can you get off? Can you get off in the evenings? Are you off on Sat. afternoon's? I got a card from Mother & Dad and they are in Excelsior Springs. I'll bet it will be good and hot down there. It has been much cooler here today though. There has been a good breeze. John R is still at [Rankins?]. I havn't heard anything from him the last few days. Kathryn [Mercer?] said she saw him in [illegible] saturday nite and spoke to him. You didn't send the card from Dorothy [Bowhie?]. You must have forgotten to enclose it. The kids went over to see Frances Aid this afternoon. She is getting along just fine now. She sits on the porch. It is pretty tough for a little kid like that to be so quiet. I will let you know for sure when I am coming and how. If you want to tell me anything before I leave, you had better call me long distance on thursday nite or before, if you get this letter. I will know as soon as I hear from Wilma. She may not want to help out at all. I hope she will though; Carol Ann says she is coming along, but don't think I had better bother with her as it is so tiresome for them & me too. They are really better off at home don't you think? Goodnight darling Loads of Love & kisses. Mommie & Kiddies
I have been very busy ever since I got back. I made $46.00 last week. Not so bad for a scrub is it? I have been pretty worn out though. Ruth & the rest of the family went down town to get things straightened up today and they got [Holstein?] for their lawyer. Ruth said she sure wished you were here to handle it for them. I guess everything is tied up, so it will be rather hard to settle up. The Gazette called about your change of address today. Have you been getting the papers lately? I told them you hadn't been reserving it. Just what is your work now? How much can you get off? Can you get off in the evenings? Are you off on Sat. afternoon's? I got a card from Mother & Dad and they are in Excelsior Springs. I'll bet it will be good and hot down there. It has been much cooler here today though. There has been a good breeze. John R is still at [Rankins?]. I havn't heard anything from him the last few days. Kathryn [Mercer?] said she saw him in [illegible] saturday nite and spoke to him. You didn't send the card from Dorothy [Bowhie?]. You must have forgotten to enclose it. The kids went over to see Frances Aid this afternoon. She is getting along just fine now. She sits on the porch. It is pretty tough for a little kid like that to be so quiet. I will let you know for sure when I am coming and how. If you want to tell me anything before I leave, you had better call me long distance on thursday nite or before, if you get this letter. I will know as soon as I hear from Wilma. She may not want to help out at all. I hope she will though; Carol Ann says she is coming along, but don't think I had better bother with her as it is so tiresome for them & me too. They are really better off at home don't you think? Goodnight darling Loads of Love & kisses. Mommie & Kiddies
World War II Diaries and Letters