John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-06-22 Page 1
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Mt Pleasant Iowa 6-22-1942 Knowing that Mr. Calhoun will not be there, I am writing in regard to an account I have with him. He did some abstract work for me some time ago and I think I still owe him $9.00 on the work. From the receipt I have at hand I am quite sure that is the amount I still owe him, but want to be sure before I forward [same, yours rest] Joe Fualkowaski 805 East Henry St. Mt Pleasant Iowa
Mt Pleasant Iowa 6-22-1942 Knowing that Mr. Calhoun will not be there, I am writing in regard to an account I have with him. He did some abstract work for me some time ago and I think I still owe him $9.00 on the work. From the receipt I have at hand I am quite sure that is the amount I still owe him, but want to be sure before I forward [same, yours rest] Joe Fualkowaski 805 East Henry St. Mt Pleasant Iowa
World War II Diaries and Letters