John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
Undated letter 6
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Mon 5 p.m. My Dearest:- Have one more appointment, so while I am waiting on her I will write to you. Rec'd two letters from you today. So sorry you are feeling so tough. I wish I could be there to doctor you up. I felt pretty tough for a week or ten days when I had my cold + when you have to work too, it makes it rather hard. I know it must take a lot of nerve to go through with all you are and I admire you for it. Most fellows that had been their own boss for so many years wouldn't take orders like that. I know you can make it , so keep a stiff upper lip + you will go through all O.K. Just remember I am for you. Don't let your cold get you down. Please go to the doctor. 6:15 Well, I have my last one under the dryer so will finish this letter. It has been raining + am sure glad. Hope it rains all nite. We surely need it. I have had a very busy day. I brought the two kids down with me this morning
Mon 5 p.m. My Dearest:- Have one more appointment, so while I am waiting on her I will write to you. Rec'd two letters from you today. So sorry you are feeling so tough. I wish I could be there to doctor you up. I felt pretty tough for a week or ten days when I had my cold + when you have to work too, it makes it rather hard. I know it must take a lot of nerve to go through with all you are and I admire you for it. Most fellows that had been their own boss for so many years wouldn't take orders like that. I know you can make it , so keep a stiff upper lip + you will go through all O.K. Just remember I am for you. Don't let your cold get you down. Please go to the doctor. 6:15 Well, I have my last one under the dryer so will finish this letter. It has been raining + am sure glad. Hope it rains all nite. We surely need it. I have had a very busy day. I brought the two kids down with me this morning
World War II Diaries and Letters