John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
Undated letter 7
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Sunday 4 P.M. My Dearest Daddy: I am under the dryer getting my hair done we have decided to go to Chicago tomorrow morning on the Zepher. There are some things on the program we want to see tomorrow _ thought while we were going , and paying railroad fare, we might as well take in the extra day. I feel terribly guilty I really can't afford it. But I have been so nervous + worried lately, maybe the change will do us good. I worry about not getting my mail through. I am going to have Mrs. Gemmel forward my letters that I get tomorrow + I will those at least. Then it would be better not to forward any of the other days, as I would be afraid I wouldn't get them. We went to Sunday school this morning, but didn't stay for church. Had a pretty good attendance. Several asked about you. Dr. Patterson said to give you his best regards. The Bogers sold their house + everything in it. Just like it is + are going out to Utah with their son. He is going to get his father a job with the oil Co. he is with. Helen Phillips called up + told Ruth about it yesterday. I am glad they got to sell, for they were very unhappy with the next door neighbor I think.
Sunday 4 P.M. My Dearest Daddy: I am under the dryer getting my hair done we have decided to go to Chicago tomorrow morning on the Zepher. There are some things on the program we want to see tomorrow _ thought while we were going , and paying railroad fare, we might as well take in the extra day. I feel terribly guilty I really can't afford it. But I have been so nervous + worried lately, maybe the change will do us good. I worry about not getting my mail through. I am going to have Mrs. Gemmel forward my letters that I get tomorrow + I will those at least. Then it would be better not to forward any of the other days, as I would be afraid I wouldn't get them. We went to Sunday school this morning, but didn't stay for church. Had a pretty good attendance. Several asked about you. Dr. Patterson said to give you his best regards. The Bogers sold their house + everything in it. Just like it is + are going out to Utah with their son. He is going to get his father a job with the oil Co. he is with. Helen Phillips called up + told Ruth about it yesterday. I am glad they got to sell, for they were very unhappy with the next door neighbor I think.
World War II Diaries and Letters