John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
Undated letter 11
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The ground is covered with snow and the wind is blowing. [I?] suppose we are in for another spell of winter. I had a very busy day. Mrs. [illegible] was down today & had her hair done. She was surely wound up. Forest is still in Omaha & Arlene in Chicago. Do you want me to send you these [illegible; sox?] & underwear you sent home? I will send you some hankies. Do you want that extra pair of pants you have here? How is your cold? Are they giving you any more shots for anything? Well darling I must close & soak my sore feet for a while & get to bed. I have been having a time with my feet lately, don't know what is wrong. Why don't you try to get a deferrment? Let me know what you want to do & how we should go about it. Good night, Lovingly Yours Mommy & Kiddies.
The ground is covered with snow and the wind is blowing. [I?] suppose we are in for another spell of winter. I had a very busy day. Mrs. [illegible] was down today & had her hair done. She was surely wound up. Forest is still in Omaha & Arlene in Chicago. Do you want me to send you these [illegible; sox?] & underwear you sent home? I will send you some hankies. Do you want that extra pair of pants you have here? How is your cold? Are they giving you any more shots for anything? Well darling I must close & soak my sore feet for a while & get to bed. I have been having a time with my feet lately, don't know what is wrong. Why don't you try to get a deferrment? Let me know what you want to do & how we should go about it. Good night, Lovingly Yours Mommy & Kiddies.
World War II Diaries and Letters