John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
Undated letter 12
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where to write to you. He said he had mailed you a letter Saturday special. I suppose it will be forwarded. I rec'd a telephone bill for the office. it is [$]7.26. Are you supposed to pay the telephone bill? Let me know right away. I am enclosing some letters I don't know what to do about. You also got a letter from Larson with the two papers you sent him signed & returned. I told Max about them, and he is going to see about it tomorrow nite. I wrote the check to [Kittle?] for $6.00 & will deposit it in the bank tomorrow. Ruth went home this afternoon her mother is sick in bed. I suppose Ruth will be down in bed by tomorrow. It is just like her. I am going to pop the kids some corn in a little while. They are sure wild. They are about to drive me crazy. Got a nice letter from Warren I will forward it on to you.
where to write to you. He said he had mailed you a letter Saturday special. I suppose it will be forwarded. I rec'd a telephone bill for the office. it is [$]7.26. Are you supposed to pay the telephone bill? Let me know right away. I am enclosing some letters I don't know what to do about. You also got a letter from Larson with the two papers you sent him signed & returned. I told Max about them, and he is going to see about it tomorrow nite. I wrote the check to [Kittle?] for $6.00 & will deposit it in the bank tomorrow. Ruth went home this afternoon her mother is sick in bed. I suppose Ruth will be down in bed by tomorrow. It is just like her. I am going to pop the kids some corn in a little while. They are sure wild. They are about to drive me crazy. Got a nice letter from Warren I will forward it on to you.
World War II Diaries and Letters