John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-05-31 Page 2
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know it is rented. I will take the add out tomorrow. I am all paid up now except my bill at Kleins and the adv. for 5 day at the Gazette. I haven't rec'd the telephone bill yet. I had a nice rest and cat nap this afternoon from 2 until 3:30. So I am feeling much better. I will be glad when this week is over though. Marie was feeling bad today. Mac asked for foreign service when he was in Des Moines and she is afraid he'll get it. I really think that was the wrong thing for him to do, when he has a family. Darn this old war has upset everyone. [Illegible] Bennett is home on furlough now. I guess she will go back with him. Marie said they had rented their house here for 3 mo. and rented a bungalow down there, for 3 mo from some school teacher. If there is anything you think of, you want me to bring, just let me know right away. I don't think I am going to bring much in dishes would you? I will bring sheets and pillow cases, linens and blankets I guess. I will bring some sugar, spice and cocoa and quite a few things like that. I pd the grocery today. Well honey, I must close and get to bed. Hope to be with you soon Goodnight dear Guess I won't monkey with the Courtesy Card. I can buy gas wherever I please then. Hugs and Kisses Dorothea and Kiddies
know it is rented. I will take the add out tomorrow. I am all paid up now except my bill at Kleins and the adv. for 5 day at the Gazette. I haven't rec'd the telephone bill yet. I had a nice rest and cat nap this afternoon from 2 until 3:30. So I am feeling much better. I will be glad when this week is over though. Marie was feeling bad today. Mac asked for foreign service when he was in Des Moines and she is afraid he'll get it. I really think that was the wrong thing for him to do, when he has a family. Darn this old war has upset everyone. [Illegible] Bennett is home on furlough now. I guess she will go back with him. Marie said they had rented their house here for 3 mo. and rented a bungalow down there, for 3 mo from some school teacher. If there is anything you think of, you want me to bring, just let me know right away. I don't think I am going to bring much in dishes would you? I will bring sheets and pillow cases, linens and blankets I guess. I will bring some sugar, spice and cocoa and quite a few things like that. I pd the grocery today. Well honey, I must close and get to bed. Hope to be with you soon Goodnight dear Guess I won't monkey with the Courtesy Card. I can buy gas wherever I please then. Hugs and Kisses Dorothea and Kiddies
World War II Diaries and Letters