John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-05-18 Page 1
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Burlington, [illegible] May 18, 1942 9:30 PM. My Dear Daddy:- Rec'd three letters from you today, an I hadn't had one since Friday. You see they don't come right through. I was so happy to learn you had found an apt. It sounds good to me, and plenty cheap. There is one thing I would like to have you find out for me Though, and thus is, if I will have to bring bed linens, blankets tea towels & towels for ourselves & oh yes table linens & silverware. Will there be an iron furnished? I don't want to bring anything more than I have to of course. Are you sure you can get the place? You had better speak for it right away. How does it look? Did you see it? Does it have a bath room? I suppose so, but you didn't say. Is it in Carlisle? How far is that from the camp? I guess I will plan to leave here on Monday after school is out which will be Mon. June 8th. Then I can work Friday & Sat, & pack up on sunday and get a little rest too. How does that sound to you? I am so tickled you are going to get a Furlough. It is too good to be true. We surely will have a lot of fun. How much gasoline can you get in a week? How did you know where Rambo lived? Was he over to see you? I think it would be nice to stay as close as we can to the barracks. As it would save tires & gasoline & you could get in more
Burlington, [illegible] May 18, 1942 9:30 PM. My Dear Daddy:- Rec'd three letters from you today, an I hadn't had one since Friday. You see they don't come right through. I was so happy to learn you had found an apt. It sounds good to me, and plenty cheap. There is one thing I would like to have you find out for me Though, and thus is, if I will have to bring bed linens, blankets tea towels & towels for ourselves & oh yes table linens & silverware. Will there be an iron furnished? I don't want to bring anything more than I have to of course. Are you sure you can get the place? You had better speak for it right away. How does it look? Did you see it? Does it have a bath room? I suppose so, but you didn't say. Is it in Carlisle? How far is that from the camp? I guess I will plan to leave here on Monday after school is out which will be Mon. June 8th. Then I can work Friday & Sat, & pack up on sunday and get a little rest too. How does that sound to you? I am so tickled you are going to get a Furlough. It is too good to be true. We surely will have a lot of fun. How much gasoline can you get in a week? How did you know where Rambo lived? Was he over to see you? I think it would be nice to stay as close as we can to the barracks. As it would save tires & gasoline & you could get in more
World War II Diaries and Letters