John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-05-14 Page 2
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At [Thye's?] garage, My pen ran out of ink, so will finish with a pencil. Ruthie rented the back bedroom this afternoon to a fellow who is an engineer down at K.B.U.R. He works From 5 until eleven at night. Ruth says he seems real nice. The people in the apt. have patched it all up now, and are as sweet as two turtle doves. Did you ever send in your Income tax reports? You never did answer me. It worries me so. Kids are all O.K. except Cliffie has a little cold + his nose is all stopped up. Otherwise they are all fine. I finally broke down + said I would go to the Homebuilders banquet tomorrow nite. Dr Stidger is going to speak. I guess he is supposed to be a fine speaker. Well, honey I just [cannot?] [illegible] to write any more. will write again tomorrow. I am [including?] a letter that came to you this morning. Goodnight dearie Love + kisses Mommie, + Reddie
At [Thye's?] garage, My pen ran out of ink, so will finish with a pencil. Ruthie rented the back bedroom this afternoon to a fellow who is an engineer down at K.B.U.R. He works From 5 until eleven at night. Ruth says he seems real nice. The people in the apt. have patched it all up now, and are as sweet as two turtle doves. Did you ever send in your Income tax reports? You never did answer me. It worries me so. Kids are all O.K. except Cliffie has a little cold + his nose is all stopped up. Otherwise they are all fine. I finally broke down + said I would go to the Homebuilders banquet tomorrow nite. Dr Stidger is going to speak. I guess he is supposed to be a fine speaker. Well, honey I just [cannot?] [illegible] to write any more. will write again tomorrow. I am [including?] a letter that came to you this morning. Goodnight dearie Love + kisses Mommie, + Reddie
World War II Diaries and Letters